Sunday, January 2, 2011

One out, Three In

Christmas day was a big day for teeth! Josie's tooth had been wiggly since October and since her adult tooth was almost already in, we had made an appointment with the dentist for the week after Christmas to get it checked out. Josie was so worried about having to have her tooth pulled by the dentist ("will he at least ask me if it is okay to pull it out, before he does it?") that Ben overheard her praying to God that her tooth would fall out on Christmas day. Her prayers were answered and sure enough that tooth was ready to come out on Christmas day. Although it was completely flopping over, it was no easy task to get the tooth out (since her adult tooth had come in behind the baby tooth it hadn't completely eroded the roots)...all that to say, it took some tears and at the end (after avoiding the task by fasting and not talking!) some super bravery to pull that tooth out. It was rough going, but finally amidst much drama, she did it!

The tiny little tooth was put safely into a little monogrammed silver tooth box (given to her by a family friend) and placed under her pillow for the tooth fairy to take. After I had said goodnight to the girls, I rushed back upstairs when I heard Josie sobbing..."Mom, I don’t want the tooth fairy to take my tooth. I want to keep it as a reminder of my childhood. To show my kids. That is if it doesn’t get moldy. Then I’ll have to throw it away." So, we wrote a note to the tooth fairy, who thankfully was very accommodating and left the tooth and a golden dollar!

With much less drama and heartache, Jude cut his first two teeth on Christmas day!


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Pilgrim Family said...

sweet josie! i love this post and the insight into her little heart! what a big girl she is becoming!

Taylor Family said...

Clayton still hasn't had a wiggly tooth. He's dying to have one. i love the picture of Jude on Christmas. It looks like he has a ponytail because of Ada's hair hanging over the sofa!

one blessed mama said...

oh big girl, i love her monologue. how fun that she pulled it on christmas day. a memory she'll not soon forget!