Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Ada!



Ada turned one on October 18th and we had a fun day full of Ada's favorites: balloons, balls, family, and (a new favorite) pumpkin spice cake! She's come a long way in a year - she's now an expert crawler, she pulls up and has taken a few first steps (holding onto something) and she has many first words (ball, bath, and balloon are at the top of the list, she seems to like "b" words). Her first phrase is "whatiszat?" (i.e. "what is that?") and is ecstatic about learning the names of things...she especially delights in pointing out the smoke detector in her room (who knows why!) and the balloons from her birthday. She has been pointing at things for a month now and enjoys pointing to communicate what she wants to eat or what she wants to do (i.e. Ada points at her rocker, wanting me to sit down, and then points at her books, wanting me to read her a book). She also has become the pro at clapping, waving, sticking out her tongue, and dancing (she's quite the head-banger). She is a sweet baby and we are blessed to have her in our lives.
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1 comment:

one blessed mama said...

oh thank you for the pics! the girls are SO CUTE! and getting so big. (sniff) i cannot believe josie's curls! and, just thought i'd tell ya i have the same sweater that you were wearing in your family poses. yours is orange and mine is gray. :) good taste.

oh i miss your family! but thanks for the chance to see the girls. love from us! h