Saturday, June 11, 2011

catch up with cakes

I've (as usual) been "a long time gone" posting on this blog. Here's a quick recap in cakes...Josie turned 6 in February and had a dinosaur themed party, we celebrated Easter with a lamb cake, Jude turned ONE in May (he loves Curious George), we went strawberry picking three times (and to use up some of those strawberries, Ben made a strawberry cake), and Christopher graduated high school! More pics and updates to come!


Pilgrim Family said...

love this! you all make the best cakes!

Becky R. said...

Way impressive! You're so talented!

Taylor Family said...

unbelievable! You should go into cake decorating.

one blessed mama said...

the dino is my favorite! i've never seen anyone put "rocks" on there. love it! wish i could eat cake with you. :)